We take numerous measurements and photos before, during and after treatment as many of the problems we see centre around appearance. With the patient's permission we are happy to share our photographic outcomes.
External Bracing for Pectus carinatum
A external compressive bracing system is considered the first line of treatment for pectus carinatum or pigeon chest and is the preferred method to reshape the chest wall in young patients with flexible chests. The brace is worn regularly for around 8 to 12 months and if the schedule is followed corrects the chest. The Pectus Clinic has one of the largest bracing program in Europe and regularly publishes data on its practice and outstanding outcomes.
Before and after images shown using the slider (drag central cursor left or right to view).

Rib Flare Treatment
External bracing for rib flare where the lower rib cage sticks out can be treated in patients with flexible rib cages using rib flare straps or a rib brace combined with targeted physical exercises.
Patient with Pectus Excavatum and rib flare before (left) and after (right) using a rib flare brace worn for around 4 months
Vacuum Bell therapy
Vacuum Bell therapy (VBT) as the only non-surgical option to treat Pectus excavatum remains an attractive option. However, careful patient selection is needed if a realistic and permanent improvement in the chest shape is be achieved. VBT is best offered in younger patients with flexible chest walls, in mild to moderate pectus excavatum and would be committed to wearing the VB for a prolonged period (typically 2 years). The Pectus Clinic has one of the largest experiences with VBT in the UK.
Before and after images shown using the slider (drag central cursor left or right to view).

Pectus implants
A surgical approach to most forms of pectus excavatum and occasionally other types of pectus deformity, this allows a significant aesthetic improvement in the chest shape and uses the latest 3D printing techniques to create a custom made implant using a chest CT scan.
Before and after images shown using the slider (drag central cursor left or right to view).

Corrective Surgery
Corrective surgery for Pectus deformity remains an important treatment choice. It allows correction of the underlying deformity, potentially relieving or improving physical symptoms and improving the shape of the chest. Several surgical approaches can be involved including the Nuss procedure, minimally access forms of corrective surgery, the Modified Ravitch operation and using a combination or hybrid approach to the deformity.
Nuss Procedure
Before and after images shown using the slider (drag central cursor left or right to view).

Examples of female corrective Pectus Excavatum Surgery (Nuss procedure)
To see examples of female patients who had surgery click here.
Modified Ravitch operation
Before and after images shown using the slider (drag central cursor left or right to view).